If you watched Under the Rowan Tree on our YouTube Channel on December 13, 2023 you saw that we were talking about how this week is the Best week to Set your intentions for the upcoming year.
Lady Gwendolyn designed this Diagram in December 2017. Use this over and over just change the year lol.
Choosing the Pentacle was an easy decision. The Pentacle not only Represents the 5 elements. It also represents you. It is connecting you Deeper.
The Diagram gives you 5 Areas in your Life to Focus on. Be Specific. Fill in the Areas.
Career, Relationships, Spirituality, Health and Home and Hearth
Career: What kind of environment do you want to be working in? Is it time to change direction? How much is your Goal amount to earn for the Year?
Relationships: Are you happy in your Current Relationship? Are you receiving back what you are giving? Are your friendships supportive? Who is worth your attention?
Spirituality: What is something you want to learn about? Is there a Path that is Calling to you? What are your Goals for your spiritual connections with others? Are you looking for others with shared interests?
Health: This Includes, Mental, Physical, and Emotional aspects. Do you feel Disconnected? Are you seeking certain Medical information? Are you interested in the Gym, Yoga, or Meditation?
Finally Home and Hearth: What can you do to create a more comfortable environment? Do you have space to Relax? Do you have a list of things that need attention at Home? When you enter your home do you feel free to be yourself, What do you need to create in that space? Plants, Art, etc.
We at Rowan Temple of Light Wish you a Joyful and Harmonious Holiday Season!!
The diagram you see here was created by Meghan Black, https://www.shesthewhisperer.com/, from the Sketch Lady Gwendolyn created.
