I do hope that you had a wonderful weekend and I just wanted to stop in and talk about how this week is looking.
Can we just start out this Monday by saying ohh my goodness OK let's get it all out there because things are going wild right now our energy our relationships our communication our desires are taking control this is all because of the planet transition on June the third today that places everything in a row.
This particular lineup does not happen very often but when it does it tends to turn and shake things up remember we are also still in Gemini season and we need that communication in order to set these things correct so be thinking about that choose your words wisely and make sure that you are getting the point across and not having any anger or frustrations in that situation.
I look forward to discussing What's in the Shadows this Week!
Card 1: King of Pentacles
Card 2: Knight of Swords
Card 3: Page of Swords
Lady Gwendolyn Speaks
The King of Pentacles, Again there he sets this week and as an overseer of everything to make sure that things stay in order
The Knight of Swords He is the action taker he is the I am ready to charge full force to do what needs this is giving that big Gemini energy and setting things straight that that mercury feel no we're not in mercury retrograde so don't think that but this is a time of uplifting and arising
And the last card is the Page of Swords As the page of swords this is sending a message and the message is what we've talked about previously about standing up for yourself lifting yourself up and not being afraid to be who you are.
Don’t be afraid, It’s worth it!
Lady Gwendolyn