High Priestess Lady Gwendolyn

Lady Gwendolyn is High Priestess and Founder of Rowan Temple of Light. She has been hosting gatherings connecting the community since 2012. She is The Hostess of Central West Virginia Pagan Pride. She is an Animist, Elevationists, Witch following an Eclectic Path. She Founded Pagan Day of Prayer celebrated on the 25th of March.
Lady Gwendolyn Grew Up in the Mountains of West Virginia where she spent most of her time at the Lakes, playing in the streams and talking with the trees as she explored the woods. Her ancestors knew the importance of using what you have available to survive, she lives by that philosophy to this day.
Her ancestors came from England, Scotland, and Germany, they found their way to the Appalachian Mountains, she is 100% Appalachian Mountain Woman, and proud, her Grandparents were able to share the wisdom of the Earth with her. From her roots she Calls Odin her Paternal Spiritual Father and Maeve her Maternal Spiritual Mother.
Lady Gwendolyn Is blessed to have found others that teach and guide to help her on her journey. She credits them for helping her find her way so that she may help and guide others. She is Thankful for her Tribe.
Lady Gwendolyn is a Spiritual Life Coach, Clairsentient, Clairvoyant, Clairaudient, Tarot reader, Numerologist, Astrologist and Reiki practitioner who has additional training in Access Bars, Spiritual Healing as well as Crystal and Sound Healing, who specializes in Shadow work and helping people reach their full potential. This is her divine purpose, let us find yours.
As a Shadow Practitioner, I help you work through your Shadow Self to create a path to a better version of you. A Shadow Journey with Lady Gwendolyn includes an Astrology Birth Chart, a Human Design Chart (why your here), #traumaandtarot, and Energy Healing.
If you are ready to Dig deep into yourself and want a Trauma Partner, I'm here for you.
With her Hashtag #traumaandtarot She draws 3 cards on Tuesdays to see what Trauma is suggested to work through for the Week. Lady Gwendolyn Also has a Show Called Trauma Talk where she explores Mental Health and even her own Personal Bipolar experiences. You can find her Blog Shadow Talk on her Website.
Currently you can find Lady Gwendolyn posting on her social media with Card of the Day and Astrology Videos.
Find out all about her services at Ladygwendolynhealing.com see link below for bookings

Lady Gwendolyn’s Live Shows Wednesday at 8pm est.
‘Divination Night’- Feb-April Lady Gwendolyn features various types of Psychics and Readers
April to October is Festival season you can find her Live occasionally as she plans gatherings.
‘Cauldron Readings’ October-November Lady Gwendolyn readings from her Cauldron of Divination
‘Under the Rowan Tree’ December to February Expand your craft with short classes to share knowledge.