Priestess Lady Lilith

Lady Lilith is Now Open for Readings.
Email Readings Available.
Tarot and Pendulum
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Lady Lilith was born in San Diego, and while she moved around a lot as a kid, she experienced different ways of Life and Embraced everyone. Lady Lilith always felt called to by ancient Egyptian pantheon, Primarily Bast as a Matron Goddess and Anubis as a Patron God.
She enjoys all Dark, Beautiful, creepy things and magic in general, as her favorites. Lady Lilith found out about wicca when she was 15, it was then that things started to fall into place.
Lady Lilith has proven herself to be a Powerful activist and is not afraid to be a voice for those that are being suppressed. She Believes in Equality and Love for all.
She was solitary until she met Lady Gwendolyn at Pagan Pride 2018 and started getting involved with Rowan Temple of Light, She has worked hard to elevate to Priestess in 2021 at a Private Coven Samhain Event. Surrounded by her Spiritual Family and Those she Loves the Most.
Lady Lilith became the First May Queen voted on by the Community in 2020. Her duties involved Crowning of May Queen 2021 and Participated in May Queen Story Time during Pagan Pride 2021. Is now head of the May Queens in Organizing the Needs and Appearances of those duties.
Lady Lilith interests include divination, crystals, candle magic, and kitchen witchery. She loves helping the Community when she can. Feeding people is her love language. She is trying to build her own pagan library to help new witches get started their paths. If you are drawn to Lady Lilith, she will embrace you and help you to find the Tools within yourself to Guide you. Finding the Path, you are meant to be On.