Priestess Lady Morganna
Born in 1990 West Virginia, Lady Morganna spent most of her childhood exploring in those wild and wonderful hills, surrounded by nature and lost in her own vivid imagination.
She has always felt the deep connection with Mother Earth and all her children. Something called to her. It told her that she was different and here for a special purpose. As a child she quite often felt alone and isolated, never seeming to to fit in.
Lady Morganna was the black sheep of the family, hypersensitive to conflict and violence and wore her heart on her sleeve. One would identify her as a true Empath. Later in 2000 as a teenager, she was given a book by a classmate on Beginner Wicca. A whole new world was revealed to her, and an insatiable thirst for knowledge on theology, mythology, the occult, and esoteric practices roared to life. Through many years of solitary study, countless life lessons, and obstacles she has learned to practice witchcraft, hold rituals, and carve out a practice of her own. She continues her studies in esoteric healing practices.
In 2015 Lady Morganna married her husband and gave birth to her first child in 2016. Finding herself alone and lost in Motherhood she began her journey with Rowan Temple of Light, in search of fellow pagans and witches to share her desire to expand her knowledge in a more formal setting. Three years later in 2018 she began her Facebook series Witches and Wine, a live feed on Facebook to bring an informative light to witchcraft covering a wide range of topics and discussions. Unfortunately, this was short lived due to her second pregnancy in late 2019. After giving birth to her second child in 2020 she hopes to bring the series back along with her TikTok series Tea and Tarot which is a daily collective reading and a reminder to hydrate properly.
Lady Morganna has continuously held the deep love of animals close to her heart. She has dedicated herself to making the world a better place for them and their caretakers. She has spent over 10 years volunteering for a local equine rescue, fostering, and even making a career as a holistic pet groomer for several years. To say the least, animals are the driving factor behind her magick. Lady Morganna follows Ghandi’s principle regarding animals- “The greatness of a nation and its moral progress can be judged by the way its animals are treated.” When we choose to treat the other living beings around us with compassion and empathy we can truly take care of ourselves as well.
She received a wonderful gift from the Goddess in 2011, the opportunity of a life long dream and year long manifestation to have a horse. She worked with her Matron Epona for several years and Comet was sent to teach her many lessons of self awareness, self regulation, energy work, and telepathy. This love has sparked a desire to begin Equine Assisted Psychotherapy. Comet sadly passed March of 2020 after almost 10 years of service. She is missed daily.
Lady Morganna hopes to help the pagan community through her service to nurturing the magick children and animals naturally possess; showing the next generation we are all connected in the web of life and being a guiding light for those with questions.
Currently she is studying Astrology, Divination, Telepathic Animal Communication, Crystal Healing, Reiki, Angel Healing, Shamanic Healing, and Spiritual Healing. These days Lady Morganna fully embraces a famous quote from the 1996 movie, The Craft: “We are the weirdos, mister,” unapologetically living her most authentic life and being present in the moment.