Speakers and Teachers

2024 Clergy
Eric Alan Williams was born in Charleston WV on Ostera in 1980. He has avidly practiced witchcraft since the 90s with his paternal grandparents, and continues to practice various forms of witchcraft to this day. Eric is a 3rd Degree High Priest in various Traditions and an active clergyman in Southern WV and has various other honorary titles given to him by a coven Named The Sacred Circle. Eric is also practitioner in Canaanite magick as well as a 3rd degree HP of this specific Tradition. He holds a Witch King title among the Circle of Asherah. He has also gained titles in various other forms of magick and from other Traditions such as from Temple of the Vampire, achieving a 3rd degree as a HP with them as well along with having mastered High Priesthood of the The Temple of Tiamat. Eric also holds high ranking as a knowledgeable Wiccan Practitioner, even studying under Salena Fox. Eric is a high level empath, master psychic, master oracle reader, healer, reiki master and skilled in ritual and spell creation. He is currently a single father, of 3 adopted children, one of which with special needs. He is openly gay and resides in Beckley WV. Eric is a Licensed Massage Therapist and owns Tarot & Massage which can be found in Beckley. Eric oversees an eclectic coven, The Sacred Circle Coven which with a cyberspace presence of 10k members and physical chapters within the US, Canada and Australia. He's an avid supporter of equality, animal rights, human rights and a teacher of Students seeking knowledge beyond the Christian Spectrum. Massage sessions, Chakra work and tarot readings may be booked with him in person at www.massagebook.com/TarotMassage

Classes for 2024
12 Meghan Black “Whispers From The Bones”
2 Eric Alan Williams “Energetic Magic”
3 Aeson Knight " Your Granny was a Witch"
c 5. Lady Minerva 'Hekatean Magic and Ethical Demonalatry"
Pagan Panel 2024
Beginning at 1pm after Award
A conversation about Topics affecting us all.
Aeson Knight is Currently Serving as H.P. of the Coven of the Crystal Owls in Oak Hill is a 3rd Degree High Priest and Clergy of Wicca within the State of West Virginia trained in two main traditions and has served the community since early 2000. Our WV Pagan of the Year 2020. https://aesonknight.com/
Psychics and Readers
Aeson Knight- Master Psychic- Also find Aeson at 1pm leading the conversation at Aeson Knight's Pagan Panel
Natalie McVicker of The Pendulumns Path
The Psychics of the Day
We are very Honored to have these Talented Readers set up for you
get your answers from .

Artist of the Year 2024
Kayla Gutliep

Vendors for 2024
Heart to Hands The Serendipity Shop
Whisper Craft Magic
Sacred Totems
Routine Kneads Wellness
Creating Kynthos
Vulture Culture
The Pendulumns Path
Aeson Knight
The Crafty Chameleon
Sicks Stones and Broken Bones
Soul Purpose Healing
Luna Moth's Bewitchery
Central WV Pagan Pride 2024
11 Opening Ritual with High Priest Eric Alan Williams
12 Meghan Black “Whispers From The Bones”
1 Awards and Panel (Aeson Knight, HP Eric Alan Williams, Lady Minerva, Jason Ruehl)
2 Eric Alan Williams “Energetic Magic”
3 Aeson Knight "Your Granny was a Witch"
4 Tim and Maggie Appalachian Music
5. Lady Minerva “Hekatean magic” “Ethical Demonolatry and Solomonic Magic”
6 pm Closing Ritual with High Priest Eric Alan Williams
Tim and Maggie
Tim & Maggie play instrumental folk music. They grew up with it; they have studied it and have traveled throughout the United States, England, Scotland and France looking for it. They teach music professionally, work on instruments every day and play music in their spare time. They contribute their time and music to the local scene partly in hope that young people will get involved in music and the arts and find more joy in their lives and their communities. Their instruments are flutes and frets and their arrangements are contrapuntal, line against line, informed by the classic music of past masters. Wherever they play, people are charmed by their wit and compelling melodies. They can often be heard in our area playing at restaurants, weddings, college programs, open mikes and local festivals. Tim is also a composer; Maggie is also a piano tuner.

(donations to help our community)
Appalachian Pagan Ministry is a pan-pagan ministry devoted to building an engaged, passionate, and spiritually fulfilled community of people from all backgrounds and faiths. We are devoted to engaging and impacting one another and others, believing it is our responsibility to set an example of service.
*Send Monatary donation to Paypal

Camping Available at Park
25.00 a night for water and Electric
15.00 for no utility to reserve just
message rowantempleoflight@gmail.com
Central WV Pagan Pride Event is in the Heart of WV.
This Year's Theme Resurrecting Appalachian Magic is about returning to our Roots, and honoring the Magic of our Past.
The Stag is the 2024 animal that reminds us of the Horned One, as we Celebrate the Energy of the Old Gods of the Forest and Mountains we call Home.
Vote HERE for CWVPP Awards 2024
Our Nurturing Kitchen
Led by High Priestess and Herbalist
Beth Laf
"What I do defines my existence"
Beth has been a witch since birth. Growing up in a publicly Catholic family she embraced the trips to the woods to harvest wild things with her aunt's . Perhaps it was living next to an 1800s graveyard or perhaps it was the trips to Circle Sanctuary and listening to Selena Fox and others that brought the study of esoterica and earth based faith to the forefront of her life.
Beth studied herbalism for many years in a private study program before receiving her certification.
As a young adult she studied psychology and world religions which lead to a deeper understanding of her place in it.
She founded her first coven in 1993 and opened the first witch focused coffee and herb shop in Green Bay Wisconsin in 1997. She was one of the five founding members of Deeply Rooted Intentional Community.
She has continued studying while raising her family and traveling around the middle of the country from Wisconsin to Arkansas and Missouri to Louisiana and Texas studying and learning and teaching along the way as part of many different study groups and covens until finally finding a spiritual home in Southern West Virginia. Recently she re-embraced her Life Coaching and tarot skills and works professionally under her stage name Melissa Alfred. She along with her spouse of 20 years are developing a spiritual retreat center and all faiths celebration destination on top of the mountain they own.
She is Co-Founder and Award Winner of the West Virginia Tarot Association annual award for best reader.
The West Virginia Tarot Association is a professional association designed to promote and advance tarot and psychic work as a viable career path for WV residents
She is a member of the Central West Virginia Pagan Pride Planning Committee,
She is now Hosting Witches and Salsa a Gathering in her area where you can take part in the study group for fledgling and adult pagans who are interested in her craft based flavor of witchcraft.
To Check out West Virginia Tarot Association
To Book a Reading simply go to
Our Food is A Fundraiser for Us so Eat on site to help fund the Event.
2024 Menu
Pepperoni rolls
beans and cornbread
banana pudding
green salad
iced coffee and tea
Epona's Sacred Circle by Lady Morganna
The area for the Kids will be set up on the Side of the Pavillion

Crafts, Fun, Books
Join them for May Royalty Story Time at 1:30 in Epona's Circle
Meet the 2024 May King
Get your Picture Taken with our May Royalty
2024 May Royalty
Jason Ruehl

2023 May Queen
Kayla Guttlip

Honoring our Brother and Sisters
Ritual to honor our Fallen, In Remembrance of
Message Rowantempleoflight@gmail.com to Add name in Opening Prayers
Pagan of the Year 2024
Dottie The Psychic
Dottie Sayre
Metro Valley Pagan Pride's first president is a full-time professional psychic who has been an entertaining character in the Pagan Community for 5 years. Since 2020 she has been sharing her perspective on YouTube through Shameless Self Promotion and other vlogs and videos. While she does actively promote herself she has always shown real effort to share attention with important issues and other professionals in the community.
Shop of the Year 2024
Located at
405 Main Street
the Cottle Mountainair Hotel Mount Hope, WV 25880
Heart to Hands the Serendipity Shop/ Amy Tyree
A native of New England and a mother of five, relocated to West Virginia 18 years ago.
In search of my own well-being I was led to explore herbal medicine and traditional healing methods. I have a profound love for nature and enjoy guiding others on their holistic journeys. In Mount Hope, WV, I run a small shop ~ Heart to Hands the Serendipity Shop, where I am a Reiki Master and offer Reiki sessions along with handcrafted herbal teas, tinctures, and other natural remedies. If I don’t have it I’ll make it or try to find it.
My main focus is on promoting wellness of the mind, body, and spirit through my other products and workshops.
Take a moment to relax with a cup of hot tea, snuggle up with a pillow and blanket, and unwind! I try to make my space inviting for anyone. Where they feel safe and cared for.
Additionally, I try to regularly host raffles to support animal welfare programs and shelters, as the animals don’t have a voice and they need us!
I also own an event and retreat business called New Moon Journeys, where I organize weekends designed to nourish the soul.
Influencer of the Year 2024
Under the Rowan Tree by Rowan Temple of Light
Under the Rowan Tree is a Live Show and Podcast by Rowan Temple of Light. The Show began in 2021 as a way for Rowan Temple of Light to fulfill one of the Key points in their Mission Statement. Education.
Guest that has been on the Show in the Past talking about everything from magical powders, smokable herbs, and candle magic to myths and Legends. You can usually find information from The RToL Pagan Library and casting magic in every episode.
Currently, the Show is Seasonal from November to February. Rowan Temple of Light spans the globe with Clergy. And host many events such as
Pagan Day of Prayer is an Online Event every March 25th coming together and Spiritually Connecting to Pagans in Honoring each other, the GODS, and the Universe.
Beltane in the Hills, an in-person event on May 11, 2024, in Star City, West Virginia. Celebrating our May Royalty and the Bringing of Summer.
Central West Virginia Pagan Pride and Awards an in-person Event focusing on Community and Education. August 10, 2024, Theme is Resurrecting Appalachian Magic. The Year of The Stag.
Rowan Temple of Light is Home to some Amazing Clergy.
Lady Gwendolyn, High Priestess, and Psychic owner at Lady Gwendolyn Healing enjoys pushing the boundaries of Magic and featuring all aspects of Magic and traditions.
Lady Morganna, Official Youth Minister and Head of Epona’s Circle a Place for Kids during our Events.
Lady Lilith, 2020 Phoenix May Queen in Charge of May Royalty and Duties
Lady Minerva is a High Priestess of her own Coven and is passionate about her work with animals and finding them their forever HOME.
Lord Martin, From Macedonia, a High Priest of his own Coven, will be Joining us During Pagan Day of Prayer sharing with us Balkan traditions.
We have been proudly serving the West Virginia Pagan Community since 2017 and hope to continue to grow.
Merch Order Form is Here!!!
T-shirts are $25 each. You pick the design.
With or Without Logo
The 2 inch designs would go over the heart, where a pockets would be, or if the want the larger 5inch design they would be center chest.
5 inch stickers are $6
2 inch stickers are $3
Buttons of either design are $3 also.
For pick up event day, I can get them to you and there won't be a shipping cost or they can meet me to pick up free. Otherwise I can ship out to anywhere.
Use coupon Pickup if it will be picked up instead of shipped!
Special Thanks to Darlene Collins for Being our Merch Designer and Creator.
Holly Grey Park
A family outdoor recreation center with rustic camping sites, bathhouse and restrooms nearby. Resident camp facility with sleeping quarters for up to 125, a council circle, plus Holly Gray Center dining facility with seating for up to 150. Picnic area, shelters, pavilion, horse show ring, and two ponds stocked for fishing. County fairground.
Braxton County Visitors
Centrally located, Braxton County, West Virginia is the ideal location for any statewide organization to hold its meetings and retreats. Braxton County offers top of the line facilities that can meet the needs of any budget. Natural beauty and recreation abound with two beautiful lakes, an easily navigable river water trail, and many scenic vistas. Nearly all of our attractions can be found within a few miles of the four interstate-79 exits located within our county limits.