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Imbolc and RToL

Imbolc signals the time of Rowan Temple of Light to awaken. It is the Celtic time of the Rowan tree and it's when we step forth and start working on projects for our community we have a list of things that we have going on listed in a previous blog.

If you have been with us for the past couple of years you know that we work from Imbolc until the time of Pagan Pride and then we take a step back and we rest and recuperate and make plans for the next year.

Last year we added 2 new Priestesses and they are ready to step up and start hosting public events once the weather is clear, as we feel gatherings are better with fresh air.

Lady Morganna and Lady Lilith are excited to see you in 2022. They have both worked really hard to get to where they are today, you can find their information on our website, and see if you can connect to them.They are hear to guide you.

Imbolc is our favorite time of year, The Great awakening we all feel stirring inside us, we welcome it with open arms.

Bright Blessings Everybody we will see you out there.

Lady Gwendolyn

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