Welcome to Spring family,
Thank you for joining us into 2023.
Today is not only the Spring Equinox or Ostara it is also the New Moon. So What does this Mean for you.
You are being Blessed with a Unique Peak opportunity to bring some powerful changes into your life by starting something new, a new thought a new job or a new hobby. Do something that feeds your soul.
From what I have received, 2023 is a a year of Creativity and assension. Finding our Highest good, our Peace, our Happiness. In order to find your own happiness, you may lose people along the way, all you can do is pray they understand.
Speaking of Praying Saturday March 25th is Pagan Day of Prayer. Tune in with us at 9am, 12pm, 3pm, 6pm and 9pm for prayers all day to those who need it.
Love to you and yours,
Lady Gwendolyn of Rowan Temple of Light